Source code for cofi.utils._reg_lp_norm

from typing import Union
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from ._reg_base import BaseRegularization
from .._exceptions import DimensionMismatchError

    "damping": 0,
    "flattening": 1,
    "roughening": 1,
    "smoothing": 2,

[docs] class LpNormRegularization(BaseRegularization): r"""CoFI's utility class to calculate Lp-norm regularization, given the p value (default to 2), an optional weighting matrix and an optional reference value :math:`L(p, W, m_0) = ||W(m-m_0)||_p^p = \sum_i |W(m-m_0)_i|^p` With element-wise gradient of: :math:`\sum_i p|(W(m-m_0))_i|^{p-1}sign((W(m-m_0))_i)W_{ij}` And element-wise hessian of: :math:`\sum_i p(p-1)|(W(m-m_0))_i|^{p-2}W_{ij}W_{ik}` Where :math:`W` is a weighting matrix either generated given a specified type (e.g. :code:`weighting_matrix="smoothing"`), or a bring-your-own matrix (e.g. :code:`weighting_matrix=my_matrix`). This weighting matrix is by default in sparse type :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`. The weighting matrix (if not bring-your-own) can be generated provided with an option from {:code:`"damping"`, :code:`"flattening"`, :code:`"smoothing"`}. - If ``weighting_matrix == "damping"``, then .. toggle:: - :attr:`matrix` is the identity matrix of size :math:`(M,M)`, where :math:`M` is the number of model parameters - If ``weighting_matrix == "roughening"`` (or equivalently ``"flattening"``), then .. toggle:: - :attr:`matrix` is :math:`W` that we generate based on the model shape you've provided. We use the Python package :mod:`findiff` to generate it. "By default, findiff uses finite difference schemes with second order accuracy in the grid spacing." (See `findiff documentation on Derivatives <>`_ for more details). For 1D problems, it looks like :math:`\begin{pmatrix}-1.5&2&-0.5&&&\\-0.5&&0.5&&&&&\\&-0.5&&0.5&&&&\\&&...&&...&&&\\&&&-0.5&&0.5&\\&&&&-0.5&&0.5\\&&&&0.5&-2&1.5\end{pmatrix}` While for higher dimension problems, by default it's a flattened version of an N-D array. The actual ordering of model parameters in higher dimensions is controlled by :class:`findiff.operators.FinDiff`. - If ``reg_type == "smoothing"``, then .. toggle:: - :attr:`matrix` is :math:`W` that we generate based on the model shape you've provided. We use the Python package :mod:`findiff` to generate it. "By default, findiff uses finite difference schemes with second order accuracy in the grid spacing." (See `findiff documentation on Derivatives <>`_ for more details). For 1D problems, it looks like :math:`\begin{pmatrix}2&-5&4&-1&&&\\1&-2&1&&&&\\&1&-2&1&&&\\&&...&...&...&&\\&&&1&-2&1&\\&&&&1&-2&1\\&&&-1&4&-5&2\end{pmatrix}` .. :math:`\begin{pmatrix}1&-2&1&&&&\\&1&-2&1&&&\\&&...&...&...&&\\&&&1&-2&1&\\&&&&1&-2&1\end{pmatrix}` While for higher dimension problems, by default it's a flattened version of an N-D array. The actual ordering of model parameters in higher dimensions is controlled by :class:`findiff.operators.FinDiff`. Parameters ---------- p : Number order value (p in the formula above), default to 2 weighting_matrix: str or np.ndarray regularization type (one of {:code:`"damping"`, :code:`"flattening"` :code:`"smoothing"`}), or a bring-your-own weighting matrix, default to "damping" (identity matrix for weighting) model_shape: tuple shape of the model, must be supplied if the :code:`reference_model` is not given reference_model: np.ndarray :math:`m_0` in the formula above Raises ------ ValueError if neither :code:`model_size` nor :code:`reference_model` is given DimensionMismatchError if both :code:`model_size` and :code:`reference_model` are given but they don't match in dimension Examples -------- Generate an L1 norm damping regularization for models of size 3: >>> from cofi.utils import LpNormRegularization >>> my_reg = LpNormRegularization(p=1, model_shape=(3,)) >>> my_reg(np.array([0,2,1])) 3.0 To use togethter with :class:`cofi.BaseProblem`: >>> from cofi import BaseProblem >>> my_problem.set_regularization(my_reg) """ def __init__( self, p: Number = 2, weighting_matrix: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "damping", model_shape: tuple = None, reference_model: np.ndarray = None, ): self._order = self._validate_p(p) self._weighting_matrix = weighting_matrix self._model_shape = self._validate_shape(model_shape, reference_model) self._reference_model = reference_model self._generate_weighting_matrix()
[docs] def reg(self, model: np.ndarray) -> Number: flat_m = self._validate_model(model) diff_m = self._model_diff_to_ref(flat_m) weighted_diff_m = self._weighting_matrix @ diff_m return self._lp_norm(weighted_diff_m)
[docs] def gradient(self, model: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: flat_m = self._validate_model(model) diff_m = self._model_diff_to_ref(flat_m) weighted_diff_m = self._weighting_matrix @ diff_m grad_lp_norm = self._lp_norm_gradient(weighted_diff_m) return self.matrix.T @ grad_lp_norm
[docs] def hessian(self, model: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: W = self._weighting_matrix flat_m = self._validate_model(model) diff_m = self._model_diff_to_ref(flat_m) weighted_diff_m = W @ diff_m hess_lp_norm = self._lp_norm_hessian(weighted_diff_m) return W.T @ np.diag(hess_lp_norm) @ W
@property def model_shape(self) -> tuple: return self._model_shape @property def matrix(self) -> sparse.csr_matrix: """the regularization matrix This is either an identity matrix, or first/second order difference matrix (generated by Python package ``findiff``), or a custom matrix brought on your own. """ return self._weighting_matrix def _generate_weighting_matrix(self): import findiff if ( isinstance(self._weighting_matrix, str) and self._weighting_matrix in REG_TYPES ) or self._weighting_matrix is None: _reg_type = self._weighting_matrix if _reg_type == "damping" or _reg_type is None: # 0th order difference self._weighting_matrix = sparse.identity(self.model_size, format="csr") elif _reg_type in REG_TYPES: # 1st/2nd order difference if np.size(self.model_shape) == 1: # 1D model order = REG_TYPES[_reg_type] if self.model_size < order + 2: raise ValueError( f"the model_size needs to be at least >={order+2} " f"for regularization type '{_reg_type}'" ) d_dx = findiff.FinDiff(0, 1, order) self._weighting_matrix = d_dx.matrix((self.model_size,)) elif ( np.size(self.model_shape) == 2 and np.ndim(self.model_shape) == 1 ): # 2D model nx = self.model_shape[0] ny = self.model_shape[1] order = REG_TYPES[_reg_type] if nx < order + 2 or ny < order + 2: raise ValueError( f"the model_size needs to be at least (>={order+2}," f" >={order+2}) for regularization type '{_reg_type}'" ) d_dx = findiff.FinDiff(0, 1, order) # x direction d_dy = findiff.FinDiff(1, 1, order) # y direction matx = d_dx.matrix((nx, ny)) # scipy sparse matrix maty = d_dy.matrix((nx, ny)) # scipy sparse matrix self._weighting_matrix = np.vstack( (matx.toarray(), maty.toarray()) ) # combine above else: raise NotImplementedError( "only 1D and 2D derivative operators implemented" ) elif is_matrix_like(self._weighting_matrix): # byo matrix if len(self._weighting_matrix.shape) != 2: raise ValueError( "the bring-your-own regularization matrix must be 2-dimensional" ) elif self._weighting_matrix.shape[1] != self.model_size: raise ValueError( "the bring-your-own regularization matrix must be in shape (_, M) " "where M is the model size" ) self._weighting_matrix = sparse.csr_matrix(self._weighting_matrix) else: raise ValueError( "please specify the weighting matrix either via a string among " "\{`damping`, `flattening`, `smoothing`\}, or bringing your own matrix" ) @staticmethod def _validate_p(p): if not isinstance(p, Number): raise ValueError( f"number expected for argument `p` but got {p} of type {type(p)}" ) elif p <= 0: raise ValueError(f"positive number expected for argument `p` but got {p}") return p @staticmethod def _validate_shape(model_shape, reference_model): if model_shape is None and reference_model is None: raise ValueError("please provide the model shape") elif model_shape is None and reference_model is not None: return reference_model.shape elif model_shape is not None and reference_model is None: if not isinstance(model_shape, tuple): raise TypeError( "expected model shape in tuple (e.g. `(100,)`) but got " f"{model_shape} instead" ) return model_shape else: if reference_model.shape != model_shape: try: np.reshape(reference_model, model_shape) except: raise DimensionMismatchError( entered_dimension=reference_model.shape, entered_name="reference_model", expected_dimension=model_shape, expected_source="model_shape", ) return model_shape def _validate_model(self, model): flat_m = np.ravel(model) if flat_m.size != self.model_size: raise DimensionMismatchError( entered_name="model", entered_dimension=model.shape, expected_source="model_size", expected_dimension=self.model_size, ) return flat_m def _model_diff_to_ref(self, model): if self._reference_model is None: return model else: return model - np.ravel(self._reference_model) def _lp_norm(self, mat): return np.sum(np.abs(mat) ** self._order) def _lp_norm_gradient(self, mat): return self._order * np.abs(mat) ** (self._order - 1) * np.sign(mat) def _lp_norm_hessian(self, mat): p = self._order return p * (p - 1) * np.abs(mat) ** (p - 2)
[docs] class QuadraticReg(LpNormRegularization): r"""CoFI's utility class to calculate weighted L2 norm regularization with an optional reference model :math:`L(W, m_0) = ||D(m-m_0)||_2^2` With gradient of: :math:`2\times W(m-m_0)` And hessian of: :math:`2\times W.T W` Where :math:`W` is a weighting matrix either generated given a specified type (e.g. :code:`weighting_matrix="smoothing"`), or a bring-your-own matrix (e.g. :code:`weighting_matrix=my_matrix`). This weighting matrix is by default in sparse type :class:`scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`. This class is a special case of :class:`LpNormRegularization` with :code:`p=2`. Parameters ---------- weighting_matrix: str or np.ndarray regularization type (one of {:code:`"damping"`, :code:`"flattening"` :code:`"smoothing"`}), or a bring-your-own weighting matrix, default to "damping" (identity matrix for weighting) model_shape : tuple shape of the model, must be supplied if the :code:`reference_model` is not given reference_model: np.ndarray :math:`m_0` in the formula above Raises ------ ValueError if neither :code:`model_size` nor :code:`reference_model` is given DimensionMismatchError if both :code:`model_size` and :code:`reference_model` are given but they don't match in dimension Examples -------- Generate an quadratic smoothing regularization for models of size 3: >>> from cofi.utils import QuadraticReg >>> my_reg = QuadraticReg(weighting_matrix="smoothing", model_shape=(4,)) >>> my_reg(np.array([0,2,1,0])) 53.99999999999999 To use togethter with :class:`cofi.BaseProblem`: >>> from cofi import BaseProblem >>> my_problem = BaseProblem() >>> my_problem.set_regularization(my_reg) """ def __init__( self, weighting_matrix: Union[str, np.ndarray] = "damping", model_shape: tuple = None, reference_model: np.ndarray = None, ): super().__init__( p=2, weighting_matrix=weighting_matrix, model_shape=model_shape, reference_model=reference_model, )
matrix_like_classes = [np.ndarray] + [ getattr(sparse, name) for name in sparse.__all__ if name.endswith("_matrix") ] def is_matrix_like(obj): return any(isinstance(obj, cls) for cls in matrix_like_classes)