Intro to CoFI

Intro to CoFI#

With a mission to bridge the gap between the domain expertise and the inference expertise, cofi provides an interface across a wide range of inference algorithms from different sources, underpinned by a rich set of domain relevant examples.

This page contains explanation about the basic concepts of this package.

In the workflow of cofi, there are three main components: BaseProblem, InversionOptions, and Inversion.

  • BaseProblem defines the inverse problem including any user supplied quantities such as data vector, number of model parameters and measure of fit between model predictions and data.

    inv_problem = BaseProblem()
    inv_problem.set_objective(some_function_here)     # if needed
    inv_problem.set_jacobian(some_function_here)      # if needed
    inv_problem.set_initial_model(a_starting_point)   # if needed
    # more could be set here
    # choose depending on the problem and how you want to solve it
  • InversionOptions describes details about how one wants to run the inversion, including the backend tool and solver-specific parameters. It is based on the concept of a method and tool.

    inv_options = InversionOptions()
    inv_options.set_solving_method("matrix solvers")
  • Inversion can be seen as an inversion engine that takes in the above two as information, and will produce an InversionResult upon running.

    inv = Inversion(inv_problem, inv_options)
    result =

Internally CoFI decides the nature of the problem from the quantities set by the user and performs internal checks to ensure it has all that it needs to solve a problem.

For each of the above components, there’s an associated summary() method to check the current status.


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