Source code for cofi._base_problem

from numbers import Number
from typing import Callable, Union, Tuple, Sequence
import functools
import json

import numpy as np

from ._exceptions import (

[docs] class BaseProblem: r"""Base class for an inversion problem setup. An inversion problem can be defined in different ways, depending on the level of flexibility or control in ways you'd like to evaluate a model, as well as the solving approaches you'd like to apply on the problem. To define an inversion problem that is intended to be solved by **parameter estimation**, you may consider setting the following functions or properties: - ``objective`` function, or - ``data_misfit`` function plus ``regularization`` function - ``data_misfit="L2"``, ``data``, ``forward`` and ``regularization`` function - In addition, it can sometimes be helpful (e.g. increase the speed of inversion) to define more things in a ``BaseProblem`` object: ``gradient`` of objective function, ``residual`` vector, ``jacobian`` of forward function, etc. To define an inversion problem that is intended to be solved by **ensemble methods** (work in progress), you may consider setting the following functions or properties: - ``log_posterier`` function, or - ``log_likelihood`` and ``log_prior`` functions .. TBD: we will also add support for ``bounds`` and ``constraints`` as a part of .. ``BaseProblem`` definition. Here is a complete list of how we would deduce from existing information about the ``BaseProblem`` object you've defined: .. list-table:: Table: user defined -> we generate for you :widths: 35 35 30 :header-rows: 1 * - what you define - what we generate for you - examples * - ``data_misfit`` - ``objective`` (assuming there's no regularization) - (work in progress) * - ``data_misfit``, ``regularization`` - ``objective`` - `linear regression (optimizer) <>`_ * - ``forward``, ``data`` - ``residual`` - (work in progress) * - ``hessian`` - ``hessian_times_vector`` - (work in progress) * - ``jacobian`` - ``jacobian_times_vector`` - `linear regression (linear system solver) <>`_ * - ``log_prior``, ``log_likelihood`` - ``log_posterior`` - `linear regression (sampler) <>`_ .. admonition:: One quick example of BaseProblem :class: dropdown, attention >>> from cofi import BaseProblem >>> import numpy as np >>> inv_problem = BaseProblem() >>> data_x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> data_y = np.array([3.2, 3.9, 5.1, 6.2]) >>> def my_forward(model): ... assert len(model) == 2 ... return model[0] + model[1] * data_x ... >>> inv_problem.set_data(data_y) >>> inv_problem.set_forward(my_forward) >>> inv_problem.set_data_misfit("L2") >>> inv_problem.summary() Summary for inversion problem: BaseProblem ===================================================================== Model shape: Unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------- List of functions/properties set by you: ['forward', 'data'] --------------------------------------------------------------------- List of functions/properties created based on what you have provided: ['objective', 'residual', 'data_misfit'] ( Note that you did not set regularization ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- List of functions/properties not set by you: ['objective', 'gradient', 'hessian', 'hessian_times_vector', 'residual', 'jacobian', 'jacobian_times_vector', 'data_misfit', 'regularization', 'initial_model', 'model_shape', 'bounds', 'constraints'] .. tip:: Check :ref:`Set Methods <set_methods>` to see a full list of methods to attach information about the problem. Some blocks above may be deduced from other existing information. For instance, once you've defined your data, forward operator and how you'd like to calculate the data misfit, we are able to generate ``data_misfit`` and ``residual`` for you. The ``summary()`` method prints what blocks you've defined, what are not yet defined, and what are generated automatically for you. At any point of defining your inversion problem, the ``suggest_tools()`` method helps get a list of inference tools that can be applied to your problem based on what have been supplied so far. .. tip:: :ref:`Helper Methods <helper_methods>` are there to help you illustrate what's in your ``BaseProblem`` object. Additionally, :ref:`Properties/Functaions <prop_func>` set by you are accessible through the ``BaseProblem`` object directly. :ref:`back to top <top_BaseProblem>` .. _set_methods: .. rubric:: Set Methods Here are a series of ``set`` methods: .. autosummary:: BaseProblem.set_objective BaseProblem.set_log_posterior BaseProblem.set_log_posterior_with_blobs BaseProblem.set_blobs_dtype BaseProblem.set_log_likelihood BaseProblem.set_log_prior BaseProblem.set_gradient BaseProblem.set_hessian BaseProblem.set_hessian_times_vector BaseProblem.set_residual BaseProblem.set_jacobian BaseProblem.set_jacobian_times_vector BaseProblem.set_data_misfit BaseProblem.set_regularization BaseProblem.set_forward BaseProblem.set_data BaseProblem.set_data_covariance BaseProblem.set_data_covariance_inv BaseProblem.set_data_from_file BaseProblem.set_initial_model BaseProblem.set_model_shape .. BaseProblem.set_bounds .. BaseProblem.set_constraints :ref:`back to top <top_BaseProblem>` .. _helper_methods: .. rubric:: Helper Methods Here are helper methods that check what you've defined to the ``BaseProblem``: .. autosummary:: BaseProblem.summary BaseProblem.suggest_tools BaseProblem.defined_components :ref:`back to top <top_BaseProblem>` .. _prop_func: .. rubric:: Properties/Functions of the Problem In case you'd like to check, the properties/functions defined using the ``set`` methods above are attached directly to ``BaseProblem`` and can be accessed: .. autosummary:: BaseProblem.objective BaseProblem.log_posterior BaseProblem.log_posterior_with_blobs BaseProblem.log_likelihood BaseProblem.log_prior BaseProblem.gradient BaseProblem.hessian BaseProblem.hessian_times_vector BaseProblem.residual BaseProblem.jacobian BaseProblem.jacobian_times_vector BaseProblem.data_misfit BaseProblem.regularization BaseProblem.regularization_matrix BaseProblem.forward BaseProblem.data_covariance BaseProblem.data_covariance_inv BaseProblem.model_covariance BaseProblem.model_covariance_inv BaseProblem.initial_model BaseProblem.model_shape BaseProblem.blobs_dtype BaseProblem.bounds BaseProblem.constraints :ref:`back to top <top_BaseProblem>` """ all_components = [ "objective", "log_posterior", "log_posterior_with_blobs", "log_likelihood", "log_prior", "gradient", "hessian", "hessian_times_vector", "residual", "jacobian", "jacobian_times_vector", "data_misfit", "regularization", "regularization_matrix", "forward", "data", "data_covariance", "data_covariance_inv", "initial_model", "model_shape", "blobs_dtype", "bounds", "constraints", ] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for kw, val in kwargs.items(): if kw in self.all_components: set_func = getattr(self, f"set_{kw}") if isinstance(val, dict): set_func(**val) else: set_func(val)
[docs] def objective(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Number: """Method for computing the objective function given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Number The objective function value for the given model Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="objective")
[docs] def log_posterior(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Number: """Method for computing the log of posterior probability density given a model This is typically the sum of log prior and log likelihood. Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Number the posterior probability density value Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="log_posterior")
[docs] def log_posterior_with_blobs( self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Number]: """Method for computing the log of posterior probability density and related information given a model The "related information" can be defined by you (via :meth:`set_log_posterior_with_blobs`), but they will only be stored properly when you perform sampling with ``emcee``. Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Tuple[Number] the posterior probability density value, and other information you've set to return together with the former Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="log_posterior_with_blobs")
[docs] def log_prior(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Number: """Method for computing the log of prior probability density given a model This reflects your prior belief about the model distribution. Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Number the prior probability density value Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="log_prior")
[docs] def log_likelihood(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Number: """Method for computing the log of likelihood probability density given a model This reflects the probability distribution of the observations given the model. Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Number the likelihood probability density value Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="log_likelihood")
[docs] def gradient(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Method for computing the gradient of objective function with respect to model, given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- np.ndarray the gradient (first derivative) of objective function with repect to the model Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="gradient")
[docs] def hessian(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Method for computing the Hessian of objective function with respect to model, given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- np.ndarray the Hessian (second derivative) of objective function with respect to the model Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="hessian")
[docs] def hessian_times_vector( self, model: np.ndarray, vector: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """Method for computing the dot product of the Hessian and an arbitrary vector, given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate vector : np.ndarray an arbitrary vector Returns ------- np.ndarray Hessian times an arbitrary vector Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="hessian_times_vector")
[docs] def residual(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: r"""Method for computing the residual vector given a model. Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- np.ndarray the residual vector, :math:`\text{forward}(\text{model})-\text{observations}` Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="residual")
[docs] def jacobian(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: r"""method for computing the jacobian of forward function with respect to model, given a model parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate returns ------- np.ndarray the jacobian matrix, :math:`\frac{\partial{\text{forward}(\text{model})}}{\partial\text{model}}` raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="jacobian")
[docs] def jacobian_times_vector( self, model: np.ndarray, vector: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs ) -> np.ndarray: """Method for computing the dot product of the Jacobian and an arbitrary vector, given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate vector : np.ndarray an arbitrary vector Returns ------- np.ndarray the Jacobian matrix times the given vector Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="jacobian_times_vector")
[docs] def data_misfit(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Number: """Method for computing the data misfit value given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Number the data misfit evaluated based on how you've defined it Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="data_misfit")
[docs] def regularization(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Number: """Method for computing the regularization value given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- Number the regularization value evaluated based on how you've defined it Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="regularization")
[docs] def regularization_matrix(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Method for computing the regularization weighting matrix Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model that helps calculate regularization matrix. In most cases this is not needed, but you have the flexibility to set this as a function Returns ------- np.ndarray the regularization matrix of dimension ``(model_size, model_size)`` Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="regularization_matrix")
[docs] def forward(self, model: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> Union[np.ndarray, Number]: """Method to perform the forward operation given a model Parameters ---------- model : np.ndarray a model to evaluate Returns ------- np.ndarray or Number the synthetics data Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this method is not set and cannot be generated from known information """ raise NotDefinedError(needs="forward")
# TO ADD a set method, remember to do the following: # - def set_something(self, something) # - def something(self), this is a property / function # - def something_defined(self) -> bool # - add checking to self.dall_components # - add `set_something` and `something` to documentation list on top of this file # - check if there's anything to add to autogen_table # - add tests in tests/ ("test_non_set", etc.)
[docs] def set_objective( self, obj_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], Number], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the objective function to minimize Alternatively, objective function can be set implicitly (computed by us) if one of the following combinations is set: - :meth:`set_data_misfit` + :meth:`set_regularization` - :meth:`set_data_misfit` (in this case, regularization is default to 0) Parameters ---------- obj_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], Number] the objective function that matches :meth:`objective` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for the objective function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for the objective function """ self.objective = _FunctionWrapper("objective", obj_func, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("objective")
[docs] def set_log_posterior( self, log_posterior_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], Number], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the log of posterior probability density Alternatively, log_posterior function can be set implicitly (computed by us) if :func:`set_log_prior` and :func:`set_log_likelihood` are defined. Parameters ---------- log_posterior_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], Number] the log_posterior function that matches :meth:`log_posterior` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for log_posterior function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for log_posterior function """ self.log_posterior = _FunctionWrapper( "log_posterior", log_posterior_func, args, kwargs ) self._update_autogen("log_posterior")
[docs] def set_log_posterior_with_blobs( self, log_posterior_blobs_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], Tuple[Number]], blobs_dtype=None, args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function that computes the log of posterior prabability density and returns extra information along with log posterior The extra blobs returned will only get used when you are using ``emcee`` to sample the posterior distribution. Check `this emcee documentation page <>`_ to understand what blobs are. If you use other backend samplers, you can still set ``log_posterior`` using this function, and we will generate :meth:`log_posterior` to return only the first output from :meth:`log_posterior_with_blobs`. This method is also generated automatically by us if you've defined both :meth:`log_prior` and :meth:`log_likelihood`. In that case, the ``blobs_dtype`` is set to be ``[("log_likelihood", float), ("log_prior", float)]``. Parameters ---------- log_posterior_blobs_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], Tuple[Number] the log_posterior_with_blobs function that matches :meth:`log_posterior_blobs_func` in signature blobs_dtype : list, optional a list of tuples that specify the names and type of the blobs, e.g. ``[("log_likelihood", float), ("log_prior", float)]``. If not set, the blobs will still be recorded during sampling in the order they are returned from :meth:`log_posterior_blobs_func` args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for log_posterior function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for log_posterior function """ self.log_posterior_with_blobs = _FunctionWrapper( "log_posterior_with_blobs", log_posterior_blobs_func, args, kwargs ) self._update_autogen("log_posterior_with_blobs") if blobs_dtype: self._blobs_dtype = blobs_dtype
[docs] def set_blobs_dtype(self, blobs_dtype: list): r"""Sets the name and type for the extra information you'd like to calculate on each sampling step This only gets used when you are using ``emcee`` to sample the posterior distribution. Check `this emcee documentation page <>`_ to understand what blobs are. Parameters ---------- blobs_dtype : list a list of tuples that specify the names and type of the blobs, e.g. ``[("log_likelihood", float), ("log_prior", float)]`` """ self._blobs_dtype = blobs_dtype self._update_autogen("blobs_dtype")
[docs] def set_log_prior( self, log_prior_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], Number], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the log of prior probability density Parameters ---------- log_prior_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], Number] the log_prior function that matches :meth:`log_prior` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for log_prior function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for log_prior function """ self.log_prior = _FunctionWrapper("log_prior", log_prior_func, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("log_prior")
[docs] def set_log_likelihood( self, log_likelihood_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], Number], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the log of likelihood probability density Parameters ---------- log_likelihood_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], Number] the log_likelihood function that matches :meth:`log_likelihood` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for log_likelihood function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for log_likelihood function """ self.log_likelihood = _FunctionWrapper( "log_likelihood", log_likelihood_func, args, kwargs ) self._update_autogen("log_likelihood")
[docs] def set_gradient( self, grad_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the gradient of objective function w.r.t the model Parameters ---------- obj_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], Number] the gradient function that matches :meth:`gradient` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for gradient function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for gradient function """ self.gradient = _FunctionWrapper("gradient", grad_func, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("gradient")
[docs] def set_hessian( self, hess_func: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], np.ndarray], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the Hessian of objective function w.r.t the model Parameters ---------- hess_func : (function - np.ndarray -> np.ndarray) or np.ndarray the Hessian function that matches :meth:`hessian` in signature. Alternatively, provide a matrix if the Hessian is a constant. args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for hessian function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for hessian function """ if isinstance(hess_func, np.ndarray): self.hessian = _FunctionWrapper( "hessian", _matrix_to_func, args=[hess_func] ) else: self.hessian = _FunctionWrapper("hessian", hess_func, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("hessian")
[docs] def set_hessian_times_vector( self, hess_vec_func: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the Hessian (of objective function) times an arbitrary vector Alternatively, hessian_times_vector function can be set implicitly (computed by us) if :func:`set_hessian` is defined. Parameters ---------- hess_vec_func : Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] the function that computes the product of Hessian and an arbitrary vector, in the same signature as :meth:`hessian_times_vector` args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for hessian_times_vector function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for hessian_times_vector function """ self.hessian_times_vector = _FunctionWrapper( "hessian_times_vector", hess_vec_func, args, kwargs ) self._update_autogen("hessian_times_vector")
[docs] def set_residual( self, res_func: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the residual vector/matrix Alternatively, residual function can be set implicitly (computed by us) if both :func:`set_forward` and data (:func:`set_data` or :func:`set_data_from_file`) are defined. Parameters ---------- res_func : Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] the residual function that matches :meth:`residual` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for residual function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for residual function """ self.residual = _FunctionWrapper("residual", res_func, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("residual")
[docs] def set_jacobian( self, jac_func: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], np.ndarray], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the Jacobian matrix, namely first derivative of forward function with respect to the model Parameters ---------- jac_func : (function - np.ndarray -> np.ndarray) or np.ndarray the Jacobian function that matches :meth:`residual` in signature. Alternatively, provide a matrix if the Jacobian is a constant. args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for jacobian function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for jacobian function """ if isinstance(jac_func, np.ndarray): self.jacobian = _FunctionWrapper( "jacobian", _matrix_to_func, args=[jac_func] ) else: self.jacobian = _FunctionWrapper("jacobian", jac_func, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("jacobian")
[docs] def set_jacobian_times_vector( self, jac_vec_func: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the Jacobian (of forward function) times an arbitrary vector Alternatively, jacobian_times_vector function can be set implicitly (computed by us) if :func:`set_jacobian` is defined. Parameters ---------- jac_vec_func : Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], np.ndarray] the function that computes the product of Jacobian and an arbitrary vector, in the same signature as :meth:`jacobian_times_vector` args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for jacobian_times_vector function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for jacobian_times_vector function """ self.jacobian_times_vector = _FunctionWrapper( "jacobian_times_vector", jac_vec_func, args, kwargs ) self._update_autogen("jacobian_times_vector")
[docs] def set_data_misfit( self, data_misfit: Union[str, Callable[[np.ndarray], Number]], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the data misfit You can either pass in a custom function or a short string that describes the data misfit function (e.g. ``"squared error"``) If you choose ``data_misfit="squared error"``, and: - If you have :meth:`residual` defined, or :meth:`data` and :meth:`forward` defined, then :math:`\text{data_misfit}=\text{residual}^T \text{residual}` - where :math:`\text{residual}=\text{forward}(\text{model})-\text{observations}` - If you **additionally** have :meth:`data_covariance_inv` defined, then :math:`\text{data_misfit}=\text{residual}^TC_d^{-1}\text{residual}` - where :math:`C_d^{-1}=\text{data_covariance_inv}` - Otherwise you might face an error when actually calling the :meth:`data_misfit` method. Alternatively, pass in your own data misfit function (or objective function directly through :meth:`set_objective`). Parameters ---------- data_misfit : str or (function - np.ndarray -> Number) either ``"squared error"``, or a data misfit function that matches :meth:`data_misfit` in signature. args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for data_misfit function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for data_misfit function Raises ------ InvalidOptionError when you've passed in a string not in our supported data misfit list """ if isinstance(data_misfit, str): # if we have more options later, handle in same way as set_regularization if data_misfit in [ "least squares", "least square", "squared error", ]: self.data_misfit = _FunctionWrapper( "data_misfit", self._data_misfit_squared_error, autogen=True ) else: raise InvalidOptionError( name="data misfit", invalid_option=data_misfit, valid_options=["least squares"], ) else: self.data_misfit = _FunctionWrapper( "data_misfit", data_misfit, args, kwargs ) self._update_autogen("data_misfit")
[docs] def set_regularization( self, regularization: Callable[[np.ndarray], Number], regularization_matrix: Union[ np.ndarray, Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] ] = None, args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to compute the regularization You can either pass in a custom function or a string/number that describes the order of the norm. We use :func:`numpy.linalg.norm` as our backend implementation, so the order can be chosen from: { ``None``, ``"fro"``, ``"nuc"``, ``numpy.inf``, ``-numpy.inf`` } :math:`\cup\;\mathbb{R}^*` Parameters ---------- regularization : str or (function - np.ndarray -> Number) either a string from pre-built functions above, or a regularization function that matches :meth:`regularization` in signature. regularization_matrix : np.ndarray or (function - np.ndarray -> np.ndarray) a matrix of shape ``(model_size, model_size)``, or a function that takes in a model and calculates the (weighting) matrix. - If this is None, :math:`\text{regularization}(model)=\lambda\times\text{regularization}(model)` - If this is set to be a matrix (np.ndarray, or other array like types), :math:`\text{regularization}(model)=\lambda\times\text{regularization}(\text{regularization_matrix}\cdot model)` - If this is set to be a function that returns a matrix, :math:`\text{regularization}(model)=\lambda\times\text{regularization}(\text{regularization_matrix}(model)\cdot model)` args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for regularization function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for regularization function Examples -------- We demonstrate with a few examples on a ``BaseProblem`` instance. >>> from cofi import BaseProblem >>> inv_problem = BaseProblem() 1. Example with a custom regularization function >>> inv_problem.set_regularization(lambda x: sum(x)) >>> inv_problem.regularization([1,1]) 2 2. Example with a custom regularization + a regularization matrix >>> inv_problem.set_regularization(lambda x: np.sum(x**2), np.eye(3)) >>> inv_problem.regularization([1,1]) 2 """ # preprocess regularization_matrix if there is one _reg_matrix = None if regularization_matrix is not None: _reg_matrix = regularization_matrix elif hasattr(regularization, "matrix"): _reg_matrix = regularization.matrix # wrap regularization_matrix as a function if _reg_matrix is not None and np.ndim(_reg_matrix) != 0: self.regularization_matrix = _FunctionWrapper( "regularization_matrix", _matrix_to_func, args=[_reg_matrix] ) elif _reg_matrix is not None and callable(_reg_matrix): self.regularization_matrix = _FunctionWrapper( "regularization_matrix", _reg_matrix ) else: self.regularization_matrix = None # process regularization function self.regularization = _FunctionWrapper( "regularization", regularization, args, kwargs ) # update some autogenerated functions (as usual) self._update_autogen("regularization")
[docs] def set_forward( self, forward: Callable[[np.ndarray], Union[np.ndarray, Number]], args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, ): r"""Sets the function to perform the forward operation Parameters ---------- forward : function - np.ndarray -> (np.ndarray or Number) the forward function that matches :meth:`forward` in signature args : list, optional extra list of positional arguments for forward function kwargs : dict, optional extra dict of keyword arguments for forward function """ self.forward = _FunctionWrapper("forward", forward, args, kwargs) self._update_autogen("forward")
[docs] def set_data( self, data_obs: np.ndarray, data_cov: np.ndarray = None, data_cov_inv: np.ndarray = None, ): """Sets the data observations and optionally data covariance matrix Parameters ---------- data_obs : np.ndarray the observations data_cov : np.ndarray, optional the data covariance matrix that helps estimate uncertainty, with dimension (N,N) where N is the number of data points """ self._data = data_obs self._update_autogen("data") if data_cov is not None: self.set_data_covariance(data_cov) if data_cov_inv is not None: self.set_data_covariance_inv(data_cov_inv)
[docs] def set_data_covariance(self, data_cov: np.ndarray): """Sets the data covariance matrix to help estimate uncertainty Parameters ---------- data_cov : np.ndarray the data covariance matrix, with dimension (N,N) where N is the number of data points """ self._data_covariance = data_cov self._update_autogen("data_covariance")
[docs] def set_data_covariance_inv(self, data_cov_inv: np.ndarray): """Sets the data covariance matrix to help estimate uncertainty Parameters ---------- data_cov : np.ndarray the data covariance matrix, with dimension (N,N) where N is the number of data points """ self._data_covariance_inv = data_cov_inv self._update_autogen("data_covariance_inv")
[docs] def set_data_from_file(self, file_path, obs_idx=-1, data_cov: np.ndarray = None): r"""Sets the data for this problem from a give file path This function uses :func:`numpy.loadtxt` or :func:`numpy.load` to read data file, depending on the file type. Parameters ---------- file_path : str a relative/absolute file path for the data obs_idx : int or list, optional the index/indices of observations within the data file, by default -1 data_cov : np.ndarray, optional the data covariance matrix that helps estimate uncertainty, with dimension (N,N) where N is the number of data points """ delimiter = None # try to detect what delimiter is used if file_path.endswith(("npy", "npz")): data = np.load(file_path) elif file_path.endswith(("pickle", "pkl")): data = np.load(file_path, allow_pickle=True) else: with open(file_path) as file: first_line = file.readline() if "," in first_line: delimiter = "," data = np.loadtxt(file_path, delimiter=delimiter) self.set_data(data[:, obs_idx], data_cov)
[docs] def set_initial_model(self, init_model: np.ndarray): r"""Sets the starting point for the model Once set, we will infer the property :meth:`model_shape` in case this is required for some inference tools Parameters ---------- init_model : np.ndarray the initial model """ self._initial_model = init_model self._model_shape = init_model.shape if hasattr(init_model, "shape") else (1,)
[docs] def set_model_shape(self, model_shape: Tuple): r"""Sets the model shape explicitly Parameters ---------- model_shape : Tuple a tuple that describes model shape Raises ------ DimensionMismatchError when you've defined an initial_model through :meth:`set_initial_model` but their shapes don't match """ if self.initial_model_defined and self._model_shape != model_shape: try: np.reshape(self.initial_model, model_shape) except ValueError as err: raise DimensionMismatchError( entered_dimension=model_shape, entered_name="model shape", expected_dimension=self.initial_model.shape, expected_source="initial model", ) from err self._model_shape = model_shape
[docs] def set_bounds(self, bounds: Sequence[Tuple[Number, Number]]): """TODO document me Parameters ---------- bounds : Sequence[Tuple[Number, Number]] _description_ """ self._bounds = bounds
[docs] def set_constraints(self, constraints): """TODO document me Parameters ---------- constraints : _type_ _description_ """ # TODO - what's the type of this? (ref: scipy has Constraint class) self._constraints = constraints
def _defined_components(self, defined_only=True) -> Tuple[set, set]: _to_check = self.all_components defined = [ func_name for func_name in _to_check if getattr(self, f"{func_name}_defined") ] if defined_only: return defined def _check_autogen(elem): _elem = getattr(self, elem) return isinstance(_elem, _FunctionWrapper) and _elem.autogen created_by_us = [elem for elem in defined if _check_autogen(elem)] return [elem for elem in defined if elem not in created_by_us], created_by_us
[docs] def defined_components(self) -> set: r"""Returns a set of components that are defined for the ``BaseProblem`` object These include both the ones you've set explicitly through the :ref:`Set Methods <set_methods>` and the ones that are deduced from existing information. Returns ------- set a set of strings describing what are defined """ return self._defined_components()
[docs] def suggest_tools(self, print_to_console=True) -> dict: r"""Prints / Returns the backend inversion tools that you can use, based on things defined for this ``BaseProblem`` instance, grouped by solving method Parameters ---------- print_to_console : bool, optional if set to ``True``, this method will both print and return the dictionary of backend tools in a tree structure; if set to ``False``, then it will not print to console and will only return the dictionary; by default ``True`` Returns ------- dict a tree structure of solving methods we provide, with the leaf nodes being a list of backend inversion tools suggested based on what information you've provided to this ``BaseProblem`` object Examples -------- .. admonition:: example usage for BaseProblem.suggest_tools() :class: dropdown, attention .. code-block:: pycon :emphasize-lines: 6 >>> from cofi import BaseProblem >>> import numpy as np >>> inv_problem = BaseProblem() >>> inv_problem.set_initial_model(np.array([1,2,3])) >>> inv_problem.set_data_misfit("least squares") >>> inv_problem.suggest_tools() Based on what you've provided so far, here are possible tools: { "optimization": [ "scipy.optimize.minimize" ], "matrix solvers": [], "sampling": [] } """ to_suggest = dict() all_components = self.defined_components() from .tools import inference_tools_table for solving_method in inference_tools_table: backend_tools = inference_tools_table[solving_method] to_suggest[solving_method] = [] for tool in backend_tools: solver_class = backend_tools[tool] required = solver_class.required_in_problem() if required.issubset(all_components): to_suggest[solving_method].append(tool) if print_to_console: print("Based on what you've provided so far, here are possible tools:") print(json.dumps(to_suggest, indent=4)) return to_suggest
@property def data(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""the observations, set by :meth:`set_data` or :meth:`set_data_from_file` Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined by methods above """ if hasattr(self, "_data") and self._data is not None: return self._data raise NotDefinedError(needs="data") @property def data_covariance(self) -> np.ndarray: """the data covariance matrix, set by :meth:`set_data_covariance`, :meth:`set_data` or :meth:`set_data_from_file`. Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined by methods above """ if hasattr(self, "_data_covariance") and self._data_covariance is not None: return self._data_covariance raise NotDefinedError(needs="data covariance matrix") @property def data_covariance_inv(self) -> np.ndarray: """the data covariance matrix, set by :meth:`set_data_covariance_inv`, :meth:`set_data` or :meth:`set_data_from_file`. Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined by methods above """ if ( hasattr(self, "_data_covariance_inv") and self._data_covariance_inv is not None ): return self._data_covariance_inv raise NotDefinedError(needs="inverse data covariance matrix") @property def initial_model(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""the initial model, needed for some iterative optimization tools that requires a starting point Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined (by :meth:`set_initial_model`) """ if hasattr(self, "_initial_model") and self._initial_model is not None: return self._initial_model raise NotDefinedError(needs="initial_model") @property def model_shape(self) -> Union[Tuple, np.ndarray]: r"""the model shape Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined (by either :meth:`set_model_shape` or :meth:`set_model_shape`) """ if hasattr(self, "_model_shape") and self._model_shape is not None: return self._model_shape raise NotDefinedError(needs="model_shape") @property def blobs_dtype(self) -> list: r"""the name and type for the blobs that :meth:`log_posterior_with_blobs` will return Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined (by either :meth:`set_blobs_dtype` or :meth:`set_log_posterior_with_blobs`) """ if hasattr(self, "_blobs_dtype") and self._blobs_dtype is not None: return self._blobs_dtype raise NotDefinedError(needs="blobs name and type") @property def bounds(self): r"""TODO: document me! Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined (by :meth:`set_bounds`) """ if hasattr(self, "_bounds") and self._bounds is not None: return self._bounds raise NotDefinedError(needs="bounds") @property def constraints(self): r"""TODO: document me! Raises ------ NotDefinedError when this property has not been defined (by :meth:`set_constraints`) """ if hasattr(self, "_constraints") and self._constraints is not None: return self._constraints raise NotDefinedError(needs="constraints") @property def objective_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`objective` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.objective) @property def log_posterior_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`log_posterior` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.log_posterior) @property def log_posterior_with_blobs_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`log_posterior_with_blobs` has been defined """ return self._check_defined(self.log_posterior_with_blobs) @property def log_prior_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`log_prior` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.log_prior) @property def log_likelihood_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`log_likelihood` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.log_likelihood) @property def gradient_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`gradient` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.gradient) @property def hessian_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`hessian` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.hessian) @property def hessian_times_vector_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`hessian_times_vector` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.hessian_times_vector, 2) @property def residual_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`residual` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.residual) @property def jacobian_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`jacobian` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.jacobian) @property def jacobian_times_vector_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`jacobian_times_vector` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.jacobian_times_vector, 2) @property def data_misfit_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`data_misfit` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.data_misfit) @property def regularization_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`regularization` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.regularization) @property def regularization_matrix_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`regularization_matrix` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.regularization_matrix) @property def forward_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`forward` has been defined""" return self._check_defined(self.forward) @property def data_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`data` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("data") @property def data_covariance_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`data_covariance` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("data_covariance") @property def data_covariance_inv_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`data_covariance_inv` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("data_covariance_inv") @property def initial_model_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`initial_model` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("initial_model") @property def model_shape_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`model_shape` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("model_shape") @property def blobs_dtype_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`blobs_dtype` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("blobs_dtype") @property def bounds_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`bounds` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("bounds") @property def constraints_defined(self) -> bool: r"""indicates whether :meth:`constraints` has been defined""" return self._check_property_defined("constraints") @staticmethod def _check_defined(func, args_num=1): if func is None: return False if isinstance(func, _FunctionWrapper): return True try: func(*[np.array([])] * args_num) except NotDefinedError: return False except Exception: # ok if there're errors caused by dummy input return True else: return True # ok if the function works without a wrapper def _check_property_defined(self, prop): try: getattr(self, prop) except NotDefinedError: return False else: return True # autogen_table: (tuple of defined things) -> # (name of deduced item, reference to new function to generate) @property def autogen_table(self): return { ("data_misfit",): ("objective", _objective_from_dm), ( "data_misfit", "regularization", ): ("objective", _objective_from_dm_reg), ( "log_likelihood", "log_prior", ): ("log_posterior_with_blobs", _log_posterior_with_blobs_from_ll_lp), ("log_posterior_with_blobs",): ( "log_posterior", _log_posterior_from_lp_with_blobs, ), ("hessian",): ("hessian_times_vector", _hessian_times_vector_from_hess), ( "forward", "data", ): ("residual", _residual_from_fwd_dt), ("jacobian",): ("jacobian_times_vector", _jacobian_times_vector_from_jcb), } def _update_autogen(self, updated_item): update_dict = {k: v for k, v in self.autogen_table.items() if updated_item in k} for need_defined, (to_update, new_func) in update_dict.items(): if getattr(self, f"{to_update}_defined"): to_update_existing = getattr(self, to_update) if ( isinstance(to_update_existing, _FunctionWrapper) and not to_update_existing.autogen ): continue # already defined by user, don't overwrite if all( (getattr(self, f"{nm}_defined") for nm in need_defined) ): # can update defined_items = list((getattr(self, nm) for nm in need_defined)) new_func = _FunctionWrapper( to_update, new_func, args=defined_items, autogen=True ) setattr(self, to_update, new_func) if to_update == "log_posterior_with_blobs": self.set_blobs_dtype( [("log_likelihood", float), ("log_prior", float)] ) self._update_autogen(to_update) # ---------- Extra inforamtion inferred, not generally used by inference tools ----
[docs] def model_covariance(self, model: np.ndarray): C_minv = self.model_covariance_inv(model) return np.linalg.inv(C_minv)
[docs] def model_covariance_inv(self, model: np.ndarray): G = self.jacobian(model) C_dinv = self.data_covariance_inv return G.T @ C_dinv @ G
# ---------- Display related ------------------------------------------------------ @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the current BaseProblem object, for display purposes, no actual meaning Returns ------- str a name you've set """ return self._name if hasattr(self, "_name") else self.__class__.__name__ @name.setter def name(self, problem_name): self._name = problem_name def _data_misfit_squared_error(self, model: np.ndarray) -> Number: try: res = self.residual(model) if self.data_covariance_inv_defined: if _is_diag(self.data_covariance_inv): weighted_res = np.diag(self.data_covariance_inv) * res return res @ weighted_res else: return res.T @ self.data_covariance_inv @ res elif self.data_covariance_defined and _is_diag(self.data_covariance): weighted_res = res / np.diag(self.data_covariance) return res @ weighted_res else: return np.sum(np.square(res)) except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError(func_name="data misfit", autogen=True) from exception
[docs] def summary(self): r"""Helper method that prints a summary of current ``BaseProblem`` object to console Examples -------- .. admonition:: examples usage for BaseProblem.summary() :class: dropdown, attention .. code-block:: pycon :emphasize-lines: 6 >>> from cofi import BaseProblem >>> import numpy as np >>> inv_problem = BaseProblem() >>> inv_problem.set_initial_model(np.array([1,2,3])) >>> inv_problem.set_data_misfit("L2") >>> inv_problem.summary() ===================================================================== Summary for inversion problem: BaseProblem ===================================================================== Model shape: (3,) --------------------------------------------------------------------- List of functions/properties set by you: ['initial_model', 'model_shape'] --------------------------------------------------------------------- List of functions/properties created based on what you have provided: ['objective', 'data_misfit'] ( Note that you did not set regularization ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- List of functions/properties not set by you: (not all of these may be relevant to your inversion workflow) ['objective', 'gradient', 'hessian', 'hessian_times_vector', 'residual', 'jacobian', 'jacobian_times_vector', 'data_misfit', 'regularization', 'forward', 'data', 'bounds', 'constraints'] """ self._summary()
def _summary(self, display_lines=True): # inspiration from keras: title = f"Summary for inversion problem: {}" sub_title1 = "List of functions/properties set by you:" sub_title2 = ( "List of functions/properties created based on what you have provided:" ) sub_title3 = ( "List of functions/properties that can be further set for the problem:" ) display_width = max(len(title), len(sub_title1), len(sub_title2)) double_line = "=" * display_width single_line = "-" * display_width set_by_user, created_for_user = self._defined_components(False) not_set = [ component for component in self.all_components if component not in set_by_user ] if display_lines: print(double_line) print(title) if display_lines: print(double_line) model_shape = self.model_shape if self.model_shape_defined else "Unknown" print(f"Model shape: {model_shape}") if display_lines: print(single_line) print(sub_title1) print(set_by_user if set_by_user else "-- none --") if display_lines: print(single_line) print(sub_title2) print(created_for_user if created_for_user else "-- none --") if ( "objective" in created_for_user and self.data_misfit_defined and not self.regularization_defined ): print("( Note that you did not set regularization )") if display_lines: print(single_line) print(sub_title3) print("( not all of these may be relevant to your inversion workflow )") print(not_set if not_set else "-- none --") def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{}"
# ---------- End of BaseProblem class ------------------------------------------------- # ---------- Auto generated functions ------------------------------------------------- def _objective_from_dm_reg(model, data_misfit, regularization): try: return data_misfit(model) + regularization(model) except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="objective function from data misfit and regularization", autogen=True, ) from exception def _objective_from_dm(model, data_misfit): try: return data_misfit(model) except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="objective function from data misfit", autogen=True, ) from exception def _log_posterior_with_blobs_from_ll_lp(model, log_likelihood, log_prior): try: lp = log_prior(model) if lp == float("-inf"): return lp, None, lp ll = log_likelihood(model) return ll + lp, ll, lp except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="log posterior function from log likelihood and log prior", autogen=True, ) from exception def _log_posterior_from_lp_with_blobs(model, log_posterior_with_blobs): try: return log_posterior_with_blobs(model)[0] except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="log posterior function from log likelihood and log prior", autogen=True, ) from exception def _hessian_times_vector_from_hess(model, vector, hessian): try: return np.squeeze(np.asarray(hessian(model) @ vector)) except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="hessian_times_vector function from given hessian function", autogen=True, ) from exception def _residual_from_fwd_dt(model, forward, data): try: return forward(model) - data except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="residual function from forward and data provided", autogen=True, ) from exception def _jacobian_times_vector_from_jcb(model, vector, jacobian): try: return np.squeeze(np.asarray(jacobian(model) @ vector)) except Exception as exception: raise InvocationError( func_name="jacobian_times_vector from given jacobian function", autogen=True, ) from exception def _matrix_to_func(_, matrix): return matrix def _is_diag(matrix): diag_elem = np.diag(matrix).copy() np.fill_diagonal(matrix, 0) out = (matrix == 0).all() np.fill_diagonal(matrix, diag_elem) return out # ---------- function wrapper to help make things pickleable -------------------------- class _FunctionWrapper: def __init__( self, name, func, args: list = None, kwargs: dict = None, autogen=False ): if not callable(func): raise InvalidOptionError( name=f"{name} function", invalid_option="not-callable input", valid_options="functions that are callable", ) = name self.func = func self.args = list() if args is None else args self.kwargs = dict() if kwargs is None else kwargs self.autogen = autogen try: # not every function has __name__ functools.update_wrapper(self, func) self.__name__ = func.__name__ self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ except: pass def __call__(self, model, *extra_args): try: return self.func(model, *extra_args, *self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception as e: import traceback print(f"cofi: Exception while calling your {} function:") print(" params:", model, *extra_args) print(" args:", self.args, len(self.args)) print(" kwargs:", self.kwargs) print(" Look at details below:\n", "-" * 88) if self.autogen: raise else: raise InvocationError(, autogen=self.autogen) from e